Watercolor with Maren Phillips


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Hill Country Council for the Arts invites you to join Artist Maren Phillips to the AgriCultural Museum and Arts Center, and leads a watercolor class Saturday, April 12, 2025, 10am-1pm. 

April 12, 2025
Time: 10 am – 1 pm

SO!!  You thought you couldn’t change watercolors!!
For students who have already learned the basics of watercolor painting…
Come to this class and learn how to make changes to your watercolor paintings and even turn them into completely different paintings.
Bring one of your finished paintings that you are not happy with… We will turn it into a beautiful work!
Come with photos of something you want to paint and something you think you have failed at painting before!  We will learn how to transform NOT SO GREAT into WONDERFUL
About Maren Phillips:

Maren Phillips grew up in Tennessee, spending many hours outside in observation of nature.  Her interest in portraiture and landscape painting evolved from her observations during those early years.  Her paintings of animals are filled with insight and sensitivity, and her landscape work shows an understanding of a sense of place.

After receiving her BFA from Washington University in St. Louis, School of Fine Arts, Maren moved to Texas, where she now resides.  Maren travels extensively to display her work, paint en plein air, and visit commissioned portrait clients. After many years of independent study and pursuit of life, Maren received her Masters of Fine Art with a focus on figurative work from the Academy of Art University. Plein air painting is an abiding passion for her and portrait work remains a primary focus.

Maren shares her passion for painting with others by teaching in local venues both privately and through arts organizations.  She leads plein air workshops in painting and holds seminars on Nature Journaling and drawing in the field.

Adults and High School age students are welcome!
Class size is limited.

All Supplies Included.

Class fee: $75 for members, $85 for non-members

For additional information, call Paula at 210-269-8349 or email inquiries in this Mini Workshop to [email protected].


The requirements for the class: Bring your ow IPad, Loaded with the Procreate program.
The program can be purchased from the Apple Apps. It is a one time charge of $ 12.99
Does your IPad support Procreate? Check this link first: https://artsideoflife.com/what-ipad-works-with-procreate/